
by Raymond Woodley

Auto & Vehicles


Fleet In Form is a management and efficiency software for fleet owners. Simplicity being our target,...

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Fleet In Form is a management and efficiency software for fleet owners. Simplicity being our target, we have developed a single software platform, where every aspect of your fleet is linked: capture, process, analysis and reporting with every transaction happening across the scope of your fleet.The application is web and app based, with seamless communication between owners, directors, admin, load planners, service providers, workshops and drivers.Imagine a portal with several inlets to gather data, a processor to collate and analyse this data, and several outlets that send interpreted and useful information to the relevant role players…literally updated across your fleet with every transaction.Vehicle owners register themselves as a user, and vehicles are attached to their profile…you pay per vehicle per month.All set-up data pertaining to that vehicle (vehicle type, tare, axle number licencing dates, service intervals, etc.) is added to your asset profile, from which selected data is distributed throughout the platform.Once we have captured the set-up data, the owner is directed to the targets page, where they set up the parameters and expected performance of the vehicles.Drivers log in onto their vehicles through the Dash App off Playstore, and once logged onto their vehicle, drivers are notified of their payload and fuel consumption targets for that vehicle and trailer combination. All data the driver submits is captured onto the Fleet In Form platform…..fuel transactions/sundry purchases/delivery notes….and is analysed against the required targets. The platform then reports this information via overviews to the relevant parties, who then have exact and precise information on which to make management decisions.Every fuel transaction captured by the driver is recorded, analysed reported upon and linked to the vehicle and the driver, a system with full accountability and record keeping. Every single load transaction is captured and analysed in the same platform, and allocated, along with delivery notes, to the relevant customer on your system. Rates per ton and per km are calculated and allocated to every ton and km, allowing you to see where your losses are. Even dead leg mileage is identified and costed….Imagine Load Planning with seamless communication between planner and driver…Done!Imagine Load Planning viewability between planner and owner…Done!Imagine split loads and split deliveries, with exact billing…Done!Want service notifications and licence renewal notifications…Done!That is just the beginningFleet In Form monitors your tyre mileages and gives tyre status on every vehicle!Fleet In form allocates every delivery note to your platform, allowing instant viewing and access, as well as dedicated search for all data…all your customer delivery notes in one place, captured by the Driver.Want to incentivise your drivers and load planners? Fleet In Form includes customised incentive salary packages based on performance against your targets…fully accountable by every transaction. Fleet In Form can Star Rate your drivers/planners, allowing quick identification of good and poor performers.Fleet In Form has built-in transaction monitoring, to ensure that missing transactions are mitigated, ensuring accurate interpretation of data.Viewing?...Your entire fleets performance is displayed in dash board style gauges, so that you, as a fleet owner, can see the performance of your fleet at a glance.Is your fuel target gauge concerning you? View it in your fleets Fuel Overview, where search and sort actions will highlight your problem transactions.Use your gauges to compare data….is your mileage completion gauge correct to date, but your tonnage completion gauge too low?? At a glance, this shows underloading, or maybe excessive dead leg mileage! View your loads summary in Loads Overview, or view mileages in Fuel Overview...where you can see exactly where your losses are!!Simply put..is your Fleet In Form?